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Reviews of the Plane Face Putting Aid -  PGA Professionals

Technology & Reviews from PGA Professionals

The Plane Face Putting Aid is being used by over 100 Putting Instructors in four different continents. Amongst these are coaches on the KPGA Tour, KLPGA Tour, Asian Tour, European Tour and the PGA Tour, as well as major champions on both the Men's and Women's Tour. As a result it has been extensively tested and proven to improve all aspects of the putting stroke on a wide range of technology. Below are example of these improvement on systems such as Quintic, Capto, Sam Putt Lab, Blast and Trackman, as well as other testimonals from PGA Professionals.

Stuart Franks - Migros Golf Parks (Switzerland)


Stewart was out first international export! He wrote "Thanks a lot to @planefacegolf

for allowing us to test your product. Simply the best putting training aid on the market!"

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Reviews of the Plane Face Putting Aid Using Quintic

Reviews of the Plane Face Putting Aid Using Quintic

Quintic is the 'Gold Standard' of putting technology as it give feedback on both club data & ball roll. We spent the day testing the Plane Face Putting Aid ar Mark Bentley's studio in Hull. The results speak for themselves. 

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Reviews of the Plane Face Putting Aid using Capto

Capto is an extremely popular piece of technology for putting coaches due to how accurate it is and the data it measures at such a low cost. This is the piece of technology that the Plane Face Putting Aid has been tested most on and has passed with flying colours. Here are a few examples of before and after measurements on people using the Plane Face Putting Aid, as well as some Capto live data.



 Capto Live



Sam Putt Lab is one of the most highly regarded and accurate pieces of technology used when putting. Check out how consistent using the Plane Face Putting Aid will make your stroke!

Sam Putt Lab is one of the best Putting Technologies on the market.


Check out the level of consistency the Plane Face Putting Aid will ingrain in your stroke!

Sam Putt Lab Plane Face Putting Aid 4.jpeg

The Plane Face Putting Aid on Trackman

Any figures on Trackman above 90% roll are considered exceptional. When using the Plane Face Putting Aid all putts were above this 90% roll figure on this test. Also check out the other date - 0.1 degree face angle / perfect 2:1 tempo & putt time / lie angle within 0.1 degree of shaft angle / 1.8 degree angle of attack!!!

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Trackman Plane Face Putting Aid 2.jpeg

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