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Reviews of Plane Face Putting Aid - Amateur Golfers

One of the reasons we believe that the Plane Face Putting Aid is the best putting aid on the market is that it helps amateur golfers improve on their own as well as being a great training aid for PGA Professionals. Here are some of the feedback from amateur golfers who have been using our aid to improve their putting.

"I have spent some time using this and let me tell you, it works! You don’t realise how much your swing path on putting can be all over the place, this helps stabilise it and get it into you memory to take out on the course. Great bit of kit!" Russ - single figure handicap

"I have been using this for a few weeks and can see a real improvement in my putting. It is stopping me using my wrists too much and helping hit putts much straighter. I never really practiced putting before but this has made me want to practice more and given me more confidence. I now know what I need to work on to improve" Lesley, 16 handicap golfer

Best Putting Aid
Best Putting Aids

"I bought a Plane Face Golf aid 3 weeks ago before the courses re-opened. Takes less than a minute to assemble and once using it becomes instantly noticeable how the aid will support a better putting action. Played 3 times on the course since and I can definitely noticed a more consistent putt. Would recommend anyone struggling with the putter to invest in one. Very clever bit of kit" Jack - 18 handicap golfer

"What a great simple product. I wasn’t convinced this was going to help my putting but after borrowing one of friends I instantly had to get one. It’s great for indoors or on the putting green and it’s easy to set up and transport about! Plane face even becomes addictive! Love it" Mike - 6 handicap golfer

"The plane face putting aid is a great piece of kit. I have been using mine for about a month and have noticed  a marked improvement especially  with my set up. The pace of my putts and my lines are  better, and at the end of the day, I'm actually  holing more putts  and shaving the hole with my misses. Give it a try" Tony - beginner golfer

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